APAIE in Malaysia
A great start to APAIE’s Empowering Global Education Leaders series in the Asia Pacific region. Thank you to the delegates from Malaysia, Singapore, China, Indonesia, and the Philippines who attended
Key takeaways from APAIE 2024
We continue to strive to improve our sustainability practices. Have a look…
APAIE is a Signatory to the CANIE Accord!
APAIE is a Signatory to the CANIE Accord, a public commitment to climate action that was developed in consultation with leaders from international education peak bodies, associations, higher education institutions,
Network of International Education Associations (NIEA) Statement
We stand in solidarity with colleagues and students impacted by the violence they are experiencing at universities in Myanmar. We also recognize that colleagues and students in other parts of
Network of International Education Associations (NIEA)
Statement on the importance of international higher education and research