Advisory Council Member

A/Professor LUM Sau Kim

Associate Vice President for Global Relations


AProf LUM Sau Kim

Associate Professor Lum Sau Kim joined NUS Global as Academic Director in 2021 and was appointed Associate Vice President (Global Relations) on 18 September 2023. Prior to her appointment at NUS Global, Sau Kim was Assistant Dean at the former School of Design and Environment. Currently, she is also a Resident Fellow at Ridge View Residential College.

Sau Kim teaches real estate finance and securitisation as a faculty member of the NUS Business School, and is a winner of several teaching awards. Her research interests cover the areas of housing and land policy, index construction and green finance.

Sau Kim developed the official suite of indices for the Singapore housing sector. She has also consulted for various organisations including Citibank, GIC, Housing & Development Board, Ministry of Housing of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Law of Singapore, Singapore Land Authority and Urban Redevelopment Authority. She sits on the Valuation Review Board of the Ministry of Finance.

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